Games in this NSFW collection are not only worth downloading and playing a considerable amount of time, but they also are worth spending extra money to get the latest versions/get extra benefits or donating to the developers to help fund th...
Games in this category are decent games, they are not bad, but they are not amazing. These games work well but could be improved. You could spend your money on these games if you want, I suggest trying the demo first (if the game has one) t...
Games in this collection are ok at best. Due to overwhelming grammatical errors, poor artwork, bad storytelling, lazy gameplay (if any), or anything else that makes these games not fun or enjoyable. I would not recommend spending your money...
Games in this collection are not worth playing at all. Due to them not working, being a virus, being misleading, scams, or just they just simply suck. Do not waste your money on these games.